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Can I Have an English Thread? - PhilipHubs - 03.01.2006

jamesday24 schrieb:I need to get Steve and Nickie to come here.
Indeed! ... and anyone interested in traveling to or across Germany. We're always happy to give fellow MINI owners a special sightseeing tour.

Can I Have an English Thread? - jamesday24 - 03.01.2006

And the same thing goes for anyone wanting to visit Florida. I took the last German tourists to Miami and Key West. Cool

Today will be Sonne and 26°C in Orlando, Florida.

Hello Philip!


Can I Have an English Thread? - bigagsl - 03.01.2006

jamesday24 schrieb:Today will be Sonne and 26°C in Orlando, Florida.
Sehr traurig cloudy grey and rainy, 5°C Ich bin so deprimiert

...but i got the sun in my heart Yeah! reading from you Zwinkern

Mr. Orange

Can I Have an English Thread? - PhilipHubs - 03.01.2006

jamesday24 schrieb:Today will be Sonne and 26°C in Orlando, Florida.
Hey James,

that is exactely the kind of details we don't want to hear about! Devil!


Can I Have an English Thread? - Scotty - 03.01.2006

welcome james Winke 02

nice to read you here Pfeiff

Can I Have an English Thread? - jamesday24 - 03.01.2006

Hi Scotty. You should receive some mail from me soon with a few copies of MC² magazine in it.Sie haben Post!

We have better weather, but I'd still like to try living in Germany for a while.

Can I Have an English Thread? - PhilipHubs - 03.01.2006

jamesday24 schrieb:Hi Scotty. You should receive some mail from me soon with a few copies of MC² magazine in it.Sie haben Post!

We have better weather, but I'd still like to try living in Germany for a while.
So what's your area of expertise then? And where in Germany do you want to live?

Can I Have an English Thread? - Missis@ - 04.01.2006

PhilipHubs schrieb:Hey James,

that is exactely the kind of details we don't want to hear about! Devil!


I can only agree!!! Peitsche

Can I Have an English Thread? - jamesday24 - 06.01.2006

PhilipHubs schrieb:So what's your area of expertise then? And where in Germany do you want to live?

I have a BS in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Library Science. Now I am a systems administrator for a library. I manage databases and websites.

I have my Chapter North friends in Hamburg, but I would live anywhere in Germany with a good MINI club. Top


Can I Have an English Thread? - PhilipHubs - 06.01.2006

You've got mail.