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Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - Druckversion

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Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - ollie - 12.09.2003

Guten Tag,

I won't try to insult you by my meager attempts in butchering the beautiful German language, so bear with me as I write in english.

First, let me say that you have a wonderful country. I visited Deutschland a little more than 2 years ago (military USAF). We were in Frankfurt for a couple of weeks. That is one wild and crazy city. We had so much fun there. We also visited Trier (spelling?), Koln, Dusseldorf, Rothenburg, and a couple of small farming towns in the north. What beautiful countryside. All that and you get to travel at insane speeds. I for one, loved the autobahn. I was a bit timid at first, but soon got the hang of it.

Coming back to America and driving on our highways was a big shock. Germans drive with so much courtesy and most of all common sense. I wish my country was as fortunate.

Anyhow, I saw that some of you posted on the sunshine minis forum and thought I'd come over and say "hi".

Tchuss (spelling? again Sad )

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - cat - 12.09.2003

welcome ollie Zwinkern

nice to have you here :!:

some guys from here are coming to florida in november for the ironman
(heffernan, macmini & greendream)

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - Anonymous - 12.09.2003

Hello fellow German MINI owners. Sorry guys and gals, I don't speak a lick of German Confused
I've been wanting to visit your country for a while day! Smile
Glad to see some of you have joined our group of crazies! Lol

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - Anonymous - 12.09.2003

Ich versuche, Deutschen mit Hilfe des Internets einzutippen gefalle so Entschuldigung die Fehler. Froh, vorbeizukommen und Ihren Aufstellungsort zu sehen. Ich bin zu Ihrem Land einige Male gewesen. Ich habe visted Koln, Frankfurt, Munchen und die Rhein Senke. Sehr schöne Landschaft, würde lieben, zurück zu gehen. Hoffen Sie, etwas von Ihnen zu sehen Völker, wenn Sie zu Florida kommen.
Neuerer David

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - Anonymous - 12.09.2003

Okay, I read my translation and it sounded like crap, never mind. I'll stick to English. They really should teach us other languages in school besides Spanish.

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - chrizz - 12.09.2003

yeah please type in english ... if you want that someone understand what you want to say Zwinkern Lol

most of the german people understand at least a bit english or have learned it in school Zwinkern

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - mark - 12.09.2003

And some of the guys over here are English by birth so don't be shy. The translation is excellent, by the way, gave me a good laugh. It reads like great Dinglisch. Big Grin

A lot of our Belgian/Dutch/French members post in English too and they seem to get themselves understood. Zwinkern Most Germans understand English to a very high standard. I, for myself, never learnt German but picked it up along the way. I have lived here for 20 years now though and all things considered my German is still pretty damn poor.

Anyway, you already have your very own thread so keep posting and let us all know how you and your MINI's are going. And while your about it, how about registering to the forum. Then all the lucky Germans who get to see your part of the world can send PM's and let you know when they are coming. Could be a chance for World peace and good relations. Cool!

So now I'm coming over to take a look at the sunshine state. See ya all.

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - minimotorin - 12.09.2003

I registered for your site.

Are any of you planning on coming over to the States next May to run the Dragon? I know some folks from England and Scotland are coming over so thought I would ask. It's the best road in America to test the MINI.

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - jamesday24 - 12.09.2003

Sunshine MINIs soll ein Schwesterclub haben. Vielleicht Chapter North? Ein paar Deutsche leute, die an Sunshine MINIs schreiben, kommen aus Hamburg.

Wenn jemand aus Deutschland nach USA besucht, schreib an Wir könnten treffen.


Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - minimotorin - 12.09.2003

A sister club is a cool idea James! Sort of like Jacksonvilles sister city is St. Petersburg in Russia. When ever someone crosses the pond we could meet up and have a joint MINI event.