MINI² - Die ComMINIty
Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - Druckversion

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Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - mark - 12.09.2003

Hey, this could get pretty confusing. I've just finished posting on your forum, get a welcome from minimotorin, I come back here and find you here as well. Anyway, consider your polite welcome returned. Yeah!
Geil hier.

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - jamesday24 - 12.09.2003

mistral schrieb:Great stuff Top ! Also from my side a warm WELCOME! So we are finally officially allowed to ad the Stars´n Stripes to our HP. Admin, start you engines……


It has been added to the homepage. Cool!


Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - Ganter - 13.09.2003

Witzig an der sache finde ich das die Sunshineminis das gleiche design wie wir haben, inklusive der probleme mit dem einloggen, was ich so gesehen habe Devil!

Welcome American MINIdriver´s Smile :)

mfg, Ganter Smile :)

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - eS - 13.09.2003

hi folks, a big shining welcome here in the "valley of the contaminated"

may the Strahlen ing be with you *bg

cya! nico

Neues Mitglied aus den USA/new member out of the USA - minimotorin - 15.09.2003

Here's a link to a site run by orbhot (Vince) that has a copy of my Dragon video. Take a look