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Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - RudyT - 16.07.2006

To All Members of the Eifel Region and MINI Maniacs:

--Event Posting--

Eifel Motor Weekend
Sponsored by Spangdahlem AB, Germany and the 52nd Services Squadron

When: July 21 thru July 23
Starting at 1600.

If you do not have a military ID and would like to join, contact me via PM or post and I will sign you on base.

All American and German friends please join me in this Motor Filled weekend. Lets show a strong presence in MINI's. Its a great chance to show off our fun packed cars. I will be showing off the only SP/S US spec Checkmate that I know of in Germany. I will also be broadcasting the world's famous MINI podcast, whiteroofradio from our favorite trio, Db, Gabe, and Todd. I will also be sporting the newest grille badges for viewing.

Plus a poker run (with Special MINI section pending participation), and a photo opp to have your MINI photographed in front of an A-10 warhog and F-16 fighting falcon. Time to get out that Zaino and Zymol. There will also be a "blessing of the MINI's". If I have enough MINI's, I have plans to do a MINI tour through the Eifel, sporting the best of sights that Germany and the Eifel has to offer.

If you are intersted and want to participate or you have any questions, please PM me. I look forward to seeing some MINI's out there.


Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - R53 - 17.07.2006

Hi Rudy !
Can you post more informations about the planned time schedule ?

Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - RudyT - 17.07.2006

The schedule of events are in a pdf format. I extracted them to a Word document and have them available for download at the following link;

A deviation is proposed to Saturdays schedule. The plan is to meet folks without ID at the gate entrance so me and others can sign you on with a one day pass. At 0900 regristration. Not sure what that includes. Then at 1000 blessing of the cars and bikes. 1030 starts the poker run and thats where things change a little. My plan was to have MINI drivers start the run at 1030, and continue on through a MINI Motoring Tour through the Eifel. Plans for lunch is either Cochem or burncastle. Tour can last until approximatly till 1500 or 1700. Not sure as I am still planning that pending the amount of interest I have.

Its really up to those participating. The event spans over a period of three days, but you can choose what you want to be in. Saturday is the bulk of the event and Sunday is where the cars are judged. Alot of it also depends on how many cars are entered. I figured I would see how it goes and adjust accordingly. Both me and a JCWS CR/W MCS wants to do a Eifel Tour on Saturday. I think this combined with the days activities would be fun. If you have ideas or suggestions, please feel free to post them. Mr. Orange Keep in mind, I am new at this and have never done this before. Fearless I am !!!Devil!

Motoring is not just about the MINI, Its a lifestyle! Yeah!


Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - RudyT - 17.07.2006


I just spoke with the coordinator of the weekend and the planner of the "Poker Run" schedule on Saturday starting at 1030. Its a 60 mile (97 Kilometers) includings sights of Trier, Luxemburg, and other various landmarks throughout our area. This has already been preplanned and mapbooks will be provided with PICS. English not needed. And if you ever wanted to have your pic of the MINI taken with an A10 or F16, this is your chance. (Even I am not so lucky till now)

Already there are over 60 cars and bikes pre-registered. This includes both Americans and our German friends in the area and cars featured as old as 1937. Did they even make cars that old?

I say LETS MINI and rally up some of the best MINIaics out there. My plan is to have everyone meet at the gate no earlier or later than 0830 to ensure we all get on base. Just make sure to bring your ID.

Any questions please don't hesitate to email or PM me. Motor ON! Yeah!


Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - Spyci-Boy - 17.07.2006

Wäre ne tolle Sache bestimmt... aber leider versteh ich kein Wort Head Scratch

Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - Paddy87 - 17.07.2006

was verstehst denn nicht?

Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - Scotty - 17.07.2006


Treffen von Tuningfahrzeugenaller Marken auf der Spangdahlem Airforce Base.

Am Samstag um 10:00h besteht die Möglichkeit die Fahrzeuge von einem Priester segnen zu lassen.

Am Samstag 10:30h gibt es eine Art Ausfahrt von 97km Länge mit Roadbooks.

Danach besteht die Möglichkeit deinen MINI vor einer F-16 Fighting Falcon oder A-10 Warthog abzulichten.

Die Veranstaltung geht das komplette WE, es steht dir aber frei, wann du teilnehmen möchtest.

Sonntag ist die Prämierung.

RudyT schlägt vor die Ausfahrt am Samstag etwas zu Verlängern und bis ca. 17:00 durch die Eifel und das Moseltal zu cruisen

Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - Öli - 17.07.2006

Ja, Alex, mir ging´s auch so. Mein Schulenglisch lässt mich im Stich.Oops!

Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - RudyT - 18.07.2006

This event has an open invitation to anyone that is interested or wants to participate.

Please post a message in this thread or PM me if you are planning on attending. I need to know how many to expect so I can plan accordingly. I will keep a roster updated in this thread.

On Thursday night or Friday morning, I will PM/Post the meeting place and time. I will also PM my handy number in case of emergency or if you get lost.

Hope to see you out there. Till Then, Motor On In Spirit !

Motoring Weekend In The Sud Eifel - R53 - 19.07.2006

The program/schedule for the saturday sounds interesting...but unfortunately I have to work on saturdays and I won't get a day off at short term...
I hope there will be another event...