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Leider müssen wir euch mitteilen, dass mini2.info zum 30.06.2024 offline gehen wird und damit auch das Forum eingestellt wird.

Wir danken Euch für viele gemeinsame Jahre im Forum, unzählige spannende Themen und den regen Austausch vor allem in den ersten Jahren, für wundervolle Treffen und die daraus entstandenen persönlichen Freundschaften.

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Speaking Engligh in Heidelberg

I am new to this forum and although I have had my MINI for over a year, I haven't been to any get togethers, or runs. Hoping I am not the only engligh speaking MINI lover around. Anyone who can point me in the direction of any events I would love to hear from. And really would like to meet with fellow MINI drivers.



Welcome to the funny farm ..err.. forums Sonne

You might want to keep an eye on activities in Chapter Rhein-Main.
There are a few (more or less spontaneous) events around Darmstadt or in the Odenwald.
the next major event is planned for 18th of March, which is our annual Odenwald Tour.



[Bild: sigpic3250.gif]

Thanks Scotty,

I always enjoy a good funny farm !!

I am trying to look into the site but not speaking german makes it harder. I will continue though.

Don't be shy to post in English a lot of our members will understand.

Are you stationed in Heidelberg?

[Bild: sigpic3250.gif]

Yes I am stationed here in Heidelberg, and loving every minute of being here!! Party!!

Not to worry I will be postingHe He

Scotty schrieb:Welcome to the funny farm ..err.. forums Sonne

You might want to keep an eye on activities in Chapter Rhein-Main.
There are a few (more or less spontaneous) events around Intestinetown or in the Odesforest.
the next major event is planned for 18th of March, which is our annual Odenforest Tour.

Cheers Party!! ,



[Bild: sigpic4182.gif]

Or Chapter BaWÜ Yeah!


Apple-Benutzer sind etwas verschroben und eigenartige, aber keineswegs uninteressante Leute.

Hey Smiley,

First of all welcome to this forum. I am sure you'll like it here with all these people who are all so crazy about their MINI's Sonne

Don't live close to Heidelberg, but as the others already posted, there are several chapters in which you will find all information concerning events in your area.Top

Nice week-end to you and keep posting!

Best regards,

[Bild: sigpic5455.gif]

FlyingSmiley schrieb:I am new to this forum and although I have had my MINI for over a year, I haven't been to any get togethers, or runs. Hoping I am not the only engligh speaking MINI lover around. Anyone who can point me in the direction of any events I would love to hear from. And really would like to meet with fellow MINI drivers.



You are by far not the only english speaking MINI lover around. Many people here in this forum can probally vouch for me as being a very active Amercian with no or very little knowledge of German yet I still ask around and participate in events. Last year I did two GLP events, one I was a co-pilot and the second I took pics. I also participated in Straghling Pur IV and who can forget, the 2006 Odenwald tour, my first event. And I did a local event during the Eifel Berg Tour. And to top that off, I did 6 etapes or stages of the first annual Duetchlandrundfahrt.

I am surprised I didn't see this post eariler, but I have been spending more time over at NAM (northamericanmotoring.com). I usually check these forums and I use google language tools to help translate. Usually any events that I hear of from here, I post over at NAM and daflake posts at mini2.com to help get the best coverage possible for any events happening in Germany. Alot of folks at NAM have started participating in Germany events, and I would like to think it has something to do with me helping cross filter information between here and NAM.

Two BIG events coming up is the Odenwald tour and MINI United. This year is going to be packed full of events to participate in, and you won't regret a miniute of it.

I myself have been doing my motoring in the Eifel region. I live near Bitburg, about 40 minutes south of the famous nordschleife or the ring as its better known. Mr. Orange

I have met and made some really great friends here on this forum that I will forever be greatful for. Welcome to the forums and a great MINI community full of MINI maniacs such as myself. Top

Thanks RudyT,
I think Ill be joining over on NAM. Actually DaFlake pointed me in the direction of this forum from MINI2. Havent been to Bitburg, but I have been to Nordschleife 2 times this past summer. Cant imagine living 40 mins from there Id be at the track everytime I had a couple hours spare time. Hope I can get the chance to meet some of the people on here soon.


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Wichtige Ankündigung
Liebe Forengemeinde,

Leider müssen wir euch mitteilen, dass mini2.info zum 30.06.2024 offline gehen wird und damit auch das Forum eingestellt wird.

Wir danken Euch für viele gemeinsame Jahre im Forum, unzählige spannende Themen und den regen Austausch vor allem in den ersten Jahren, für wundervolle Treffen und die daraus entstandenen persönlichen Freundschaften.

Bitte nutzt die Zeit, um ggf. noch Eure Daten, Bilder oder persönliche Erinnerungen zu sichern.

Euer MINI²-Team

Weitere Infos erhaltet Ihr im zugehörigen Thema: Time to Say Goodbye: MINI² geht am 30.06.2024 in den Ruhestand