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Liebe Forengemeinde,

Leider müssen wir euch mitteilen, dass mini2.info zum 30.06.2024 offline gehen wird und damit auch das Forum eingestellt wird.

Wir danken Euch für viele gemeinsame Jahre im Forum, unzählige spannende Themen und den regen Austausch vor allem in den ersten Jahren, für wundervolle Treffen und die daraus entstandenen persönlichen Freundschaften.

Bitte nutzt die Zeit, um ggf. noch Eure Daten, Bilder oder persönliche Erinnerungen zu sichern.

Euer MINI²-Team

Weitere Infos erhaltet Ihr im zugehörigen Thema: Time to Say Goodbye: MINI² geht am 30.06.2024 in den Ruhestand
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MINIBee here from Tampa, Florida

LiquidWhite schrieb:Head Scratch

Mr. Orange
Hey, it could be worse...

[Bild: engrish-funny-crap-hands.jpg]

Pfeifen Devil!

LiquidWhite schrieb:Head Scratch

Mr. Orange

Hey, I gave it my best try. Oops!

The journey is the reward.

Hi and welcome Winke 02

we are in september in florida for 10 days (Key west, Naples, Daytona...) without our mini Augenrollen and at 26.09 in tampa. we watch the game tampa bay buccaneers vs pittsburgh steelers Yeah!
maybe we can see your car Zwinkern

best regards


Yeah! Wir sind Sonne[Bild: sigpic4713.gif]

dirch schrieb:Hi and welcome Winke 02

we are in september in florida for 10 days (Key west, Naples, Daytona...) without our mini Augenrollen and at 26.09 in tampa. we watch the game tampa bay buccaneers vs pittsburgh steelers Yeah!
maybe we can see your car Zwinkern

best regards



As we get closer to that date I'll see what's going on around Tampa. Are you sure you can't stay a few extra days? We have a large event in Orlando, Mickey and MINI 6, Oct 1-3. I am one of the organizers. About 200 people and 60-70 MINIs will be there.

The journey is the reward.

MINIBee schrieb:Hey, I gave it my best try. Oops!
sure Lol

[Bild: sigpic6490.gif]

MINIBee schrieb:A We have a large event in Orlando, Mickey and MINI 6, Oct 1-3. I am one of the organizers. About 200 people and 60-70 MINIs will be there.


I saw your awesome video at the other German MINI-Forum and my heart got a very warm feeling (no joke!).
I wish I could be with my MINI on the Dragon Sonne

The event Mickey and MINI sounds also very, very great! I wish I could be there, because I'm a Disney-fan too!

Sonne A very warm welcome here! Sonne

Lena schrieb:Hi MINIBee!

I saw your awesome video at the other German MINI-Forum and my heart got a very warm feeling (no joke!).
I wish I could be with my MINI on the Dragon Sonne

The event Mickey and MINI sounds also very, very great! I wish I could be there, because I'm a Disney-fan too!

Sonne A very warm welcome here! Sonne

Thanks Lena! I'm glad you liked the video and hope we will see you on the Dragon or at Mickey and MINI sometime in the future. I appreciate your kindness.

The journey is the reward.

hallo minibee, Party 02

i know you car and the whole story of it from the motoringforum.
I love what you did with it and the whole videos and photos that you share allways...
Hope to see many many new media of it and have fun with us germans here Yeah!

Patrick Sonne

MfG Patrick
[Bild: sigpic5043_1.gif]

Stephan schrieb:Jetzt kommt er nie wieder Devil!

I come back. I just don't always have something to contribute and some things translated from German I don't understand. Google translate doesn't work very well. Augenrollen

I plan to post a complete set of photos of MINIBee in time. I am currently organizing a large MINI event in Orlando, FL called Mickey and MINI and that, plus my job, has been keeping me very busy.

The journey is the reward.

PaMa05 schrieb:hallo minibee, Party 02

i know you car and the whole story of it from the motoringforum.
I love what you did with it and the whole videos and photos that you share allways...
Hope to see many many new media of it and have fun with us germans here Yeah!

Patrick Sonne

Thanks for your kind words Patrick! I will post a series of photos with a list of my mods soon, I promise. I really appreciate the hospitality you have shown me here and really wish I could speak German!

The journey is the reward.

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Wichtige Ankündigung
Liebe Forengemeinde,

Leider müssen wir euch mitteilen, dass mini2.info zum 30.06.2024 offline gehen wird und damit auch das Forum eingestellt wird.

Wir danken Euch für viele gemeinsame Jahre im Forum, unzählige spannende Themen und den regen Austausch vor allem in den ersten Jahren, für wundervolle Treffen und die daraus entstandenen persönlichen Freundschaften.

Bitte nutzt die Zeit, um ggf. noch Eure Daten, Bilder oder persönliche Erinnerungen zu sichern.

Euer MINI²-Team

Weitere Infos erhaltet Ihr im zugehörigen Thema: Time to Say Goodbye: MINI² geht am 30.06.2024 in den Ruhestand