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Liebe Forengemeinde,

Wir führen hinter den Kulissen aktuell Gespräche, nach deren Beendigung wir hoffen, euch das Forum weiterhin als Informationsquelle bereitstellen zu können.
Daher haben wir uns entschlossen das Forum über das geplante Abschaltdatum (30.06.2024) hinaus erst einmal am Leben zu halten.

In diesem Zuge haben wir aktuell die Möglichkeit zur Registrierung für neue Benutzer deaktiviert.

Näheres folgt in Kürze...

Euer MINI²-Team

Weitere Infos erhaltet Ihr im zugehörigen Thema: Time to Say Goodbye: MINI² geht am 30.06.2024 in den Ruhestand

kuppling in düsseldorf or nürburg or köln

andersnorway schrieb:I will be spotted quite often at the ring, in weekends (1-2 times a month) maybe I'll se you there?
most unlikely Traurig but I definitely hope to see you at strahlung pure Sonne

R58 JCW coming soon Mr. Gulf

yes, after the exit at 187 I always let go as the track is done and there is a perfect chance to cool your car, the oil is 145-150 on a fast lap, and 140 on a slow and smooth lap.

yes I remember you, I waited/let go of the gas sometimes to wait for you so we could run close, but definetly nice driveing from your side , you keeped up very nicely Smile only in some sections did I pull away.

I think you can go much faster from ex muhle to bergwerk, and from bergwerk and up to angstkurve you should have flat out 4th/5th, then small small tap in angstkurve before you have flat out to break and turn before karusell.

also from karusell its 2 > 3 > 4th all the way to ... hoe acth? I belive its called

also brom planzgarten until swabelswanz? its full throttle with small brake after the jump to stabilise car (i tried a few laps only full throttle.. dont try it..Wink

nollebjorn schrieb:Hi Andersnorway,

nice to see you again. I had you just right before me all the ring long. I`m the owner of the red cooper S, who tried to follow you Zwinkern

Very smooth driving ! Top

Do you remember me ? At the end i doubled you, i think you cooled down your car.

Best regards

Thank you very much for your hints. I already noticed that you waited sometimes for me. Very kind of you Sonne

It was my first and only lap on the track this day and my second lap in life. So i hope i wasn`t too slow.

Next time i`ll try to find a person next to me, who reads your hints to explain me where i can go faster Zwinkern

Or i`ll try again to follow you Yeah!

[Bild: attachment.php?attachmentid=14126&d=1143646482][Bild: attachment.php?attachmentid=14129&d=1143646482][Bild: attachment.php?attachmentid=14130&d=1143646596]

Lets ride the Northloop @ Friday 26. of May

I´ll be at maybe 11:00 in the morning in the drive in...

Wenn schon Träume, dann die richtigen Sabber

Signatur-Brüder: S C H A T I M M U N G He He

Buggy schrieb:Lets ride the Northloop @ Friday 26. of May

I´ll be at maybe 11:00 in the morning in the drive in...

depending on wiehter my car is done the 24th or 26th I fill be down there either at the morning or somewhere around nooninsh I guess.

I have sevral bulletcams + datalogger if anyone wanna have a go with them, I can also put a camera in my car to be on your tail and film you.

andersnorway schrieb:I can also put a camera in my car to be on your tail and film you.
don´t let the guys from the Streckensicherung catch you. it´s usually not allowed to take a movie while driving on the Nordschleife. Wink

andersnorway schrieb:depending on wiehter my car is done the 24th or 26th I fill be down there either at the morning or somewhere around nooninsh I guess.

I have sevral bulletcamsTop + datalogger if anyone wanna have a go with them, I can also put a camera in my car to be on your tail and film you.
Maybe we try it to take a ROADMOVIE Top
But cremi is right, it is not allowed Top
Wenn we have the Videos, i can cut it, and send it to u via UPS,Post,etc...

Put never a Nürburgring-video online!!!

Im there at 26. of May at 10 o clock in the morning

Wenn schon Träume, dann die richtigen Sabber

Signatur-Brüder: S C H A T I M M U N G He He

@ buggy

put never a nürburgringvideo online!

why not??

It is vorbidden !

The Nürburgring GmbH follows these Videos, and bring them to the lawyers.

My engl. is so bad, i hope u understand me Sonne

In german:
Die Nürburgring GmbH verfolgt dieses, und bringt das dann zur Anzeige!!!!

Wenn schon Träume, dann die richtigen Sabber

Signatur-Brüder: S C H A T I M M U N G He He

ich bin mit kamera auf einem stativ auf umgeklappten

rücksitzen 2 mal durch die kontrolle und keiner hat was gesagt,

hatte ich nur glück?

gruss krumm

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Wichtige Ankündigung
Liebe Forengemeinde,

Wir führen hinter den Kulissen aktuell Gespräche, nach deren Beendigung wir hoffen, euch das Forum weiterhin als Informationsquelle bereitstellen zu können.
Daher haben wir uns entschlossen das Forum über das geplante Abschaltdatum (30.06.2024) hinaus erst einmal am Leben zu halten.

In diesem Zuge haben wir aktuell die Möglichkeit zur Registrierung für neue Benutzer deaktiviert.

Näheres folgt in Kürze...

Euer MINI²-Team

Weitere Infos erhaltet Ihr im zugehörigen Thema: Time to Say Goodbye: MINI² geht am 30.06.2024 in den Ruhestand