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Liebe Forengemeinde,

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Wir danken Euch für viele gemeinsame Jahre im Forum, unzählige spannende Themen und den regen Austausch vor allem in den ersten Jahren, für wundervolle Treffen und die daraus entstandenen persönlichen Freundschaften.

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Euer MINI²-Team

Weitere Infos erhaltet Ihr im zugehörigen Thema: Time to Say Goodbye: MINI² geht am 30.06.2024 in den Ruhestand

OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle

Morgen zusammen,

wird auf der kommenden CeBit von Garmin vorgestellt und soll für ~ 100€auf dem Markt kommen.

Zitat:ecoRoute hd: Transform your nuvi into a real-time diagnostics computer

January 5, 2010 - posted in ecoRoute, Garmin Garage, On the Road,

[Bild: 6a00d83451bb7069e2012876a702b7970c-800wi]
For any driver who has ever been curious about what's really going on under the hood, Garmin's new ecoRoute hd provides many of the answers. By accessing onboard diagnostics and performance data, drivers can use a compatible Garmin nüvi to wirelessly monitor real-time vehicle diagnostics while accurately calculating ecoRoute data and driver challenge scores (speed, acceleration, braking, etc.) in an effort to conserve fuel and money through fuel-efficient navigation.
“When it comes to fuel conservation and vehicle upkeep, the real-time information provided by ecoRoute hd is the key to being a smarter driver,” said Dan Bartel, Garmin’s vice president of worldwide sales. “Garmin is known around the world for getting you to your destination efficiently, and now you can know how your car is performing every step along the way.”

[Bild: 6a00d83451bb7069e2012876a704bb970c-800wi]
By simply plugging the ecoRoute hd module into the vehicle’s standardized onboard diagnostics port (OBD II), safely mounting the transmitter clear of vehicle controls and pedals, and completing the easy one-time pairing with nüvi, drivers can start receiving the vital data from their vehicle and run diagnostic checks through nüvi’s intuitive interface before a trip to the auto shop is necessary. Drivers also get more accurate ecoRoute data, making fuel conservation easier than ever, and they can monitor their engine data (including temperature, RPM, emissions) and diagnostics through the Trip Computer screen and customizable Gauges screen. Drivers can then view Diagnostic Trouble Codes – with on-screen descriptions of some error codes – and reset the “check engine” light. ecoRoute hd will be compatible with many current and future nüvi models, including 1260, 1370, 1390, 1490 and 1690.

[Bild: 6a00d83451bb7069e20120a7a4954e970b-800wi]
Real-time data monitored by ecoRoute HD, which has an expected availability date of March 2010 for a suggested retail price of $149.99, includes vital diagnostics such as:
• Intake air temperature information
• Coolant temperature data
• Throttle position and engine load
• Intake manifold pressure
• Battery and charging system information
• Mass airflow rate
• Timing advance
• Emissions
Introduced by Garmin in 2009, ecoRoute is a free software update that helps drivers conserve money and fuel, easing growing pressures on personal budgets and the environment. In addition to “faster time” and “shorter distance” for route preference, ecoRoute lets nüvi users choose “less fuel” as a routing option as the best way to help save gas and money. Through ecoRoute’s Fuel Report, Mileage Report and fuel-saving tips, drivers can focus on fuel conservation even when they’re not behind the wheel. Fuel Report tracks fuel usage over time, and Mileage Report monitors mileage and fuel usage on a per-trip basis. Drivers can customize their nüvi to fit their vehicle by accessing the “vehicle profile” under ecoRoute in the tools menu. There, you can enter your car’s fuel economy and the current price of gas to help nüvi better calculate your savings. To find out if your nüvi is compatible with ecoRoute through a free, downloadable software update, go to www.garmin.com/ecoroute.

Find ich genial - bleibt aber immer noch die alte Frage - Wohin mit dem Navi.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von dertimaushh - 24.01.2010, 10:53
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von streetparade - 24.01.2010, 11:52
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von chubv - 24.01.2010, 12:07
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von red_flame - 24.01.2010, 12:47
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von -marcus- - 24.01.2010, 13:51
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von dertimaushh - 24.01.2010, 14:07
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von red_flame - 24.01.2010, 17:00
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von red_flame - 24.01.2010, 17:02
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von red_flame - 24.01.2010, 17:04
OBD Bluetooth Navi Schnittstelle - von dertimaushh - 26.01.2010, 12:15

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Wir danken Euch für viele gemeinsame Jahre im Forum, unzählige spannende Themen und den regen Austausch vor allem in den ersten Jahren, für wundervolle Treffen und die daraus entstandenen persönlichen Freundschaften.

Bitte nutzt die Zeit, um ggf. noch Eure Daten, Bilder oder persönliche Erinnerungen zu sichern.

Euer MINI²-Team

Weitere Infos erhaltet Ihr im zugehörigen Thema: Time to Say Goodbye: MINI² geht am 30.06.2024 in den Ruhestand